Nursery Admissions
Nursery admissions are done through schools, if you would like to apply for a space in our Nursery please click on the link below:
Applying for Nursery September 2025
If you child was born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 – you can apply for them to attend our school Nursery (Starting September 2025)
We offer a 3 hour nursery session Monday-Friday, funded by the government (15 hours per week term time) for all children, either 8.30-11.30 AM session or 12.20-3.20 PM session. *Please note we do not provide any full day sessions.
Please complete the form below or collect one from the school office and return it via email to or hand it back in to the school office. We will contact you via email to confirm your child’s nursery place.
If you would like a paper copy of the form or If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit to the Nursery, please contact us and we will be happy to help!
Reception Admissions
Applying for Reception September 2025
You can apply for your child to start reception if they were born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.
*Every child MUST apply for their Reception school place, if you are currently attending Henry Green Nursery then you DO NOT automatically get a place in Reception. The allocations are made by the local authority and the school does not have any choice in which children are offered a place in Reception.*
Information about applying will be online on the Barking and Dagenham borough – School admissions website from 1st November 2024.
You will be able to apply for your child’s school place from November 1st 2024 – January 15th 2025, you can submit your application any time between these dates, you are not given any priority by applying on the first day.
The borough will allocate first to children with siblings already at the school (year R-5), looked after children, those with EHC plans and then they prioritize by distance.
Top tips!
- Please make sure you make all 6 choices of schools on your application, putting only one choice will not mean that you get allocated a place at that school.
- Please apply online before the 15th January 2024, late applications are unlikely to get their first choice schools.
- Please do not try to apply online before November 1st 2024, up to date information will be published about all the LBBD schools and how to apply ON November 1st 2024.
- Please attend one of our ‘starting school’ tours to see if Henry Green is the right choice for your child, we hope it is and look forward to seeing many of our Nursery children continuing their school journey with us.
- Please ask if you need help before making your application!
Year 6 to Year 7 Transition
Parents must apply online by no later than 31 October 2020 for their child’s secondary school. You can use one of the links below to complete this online form.
Pan London e-admissions
Barking and Dagenham borough – School admissions website
It’s possible for schools to visit many of their partner schools with some of their students, to meet with the Year 6 students to share information and answer any questions.