British Values and SMSC

British values at Henry Green

We teach children that British has its own core values that bind us all together as a country. We teach children to value and respect our differences and cherish what we have in common.

Our core values are what we share and work together to achieve in all we do. At Henry Green, we teach children British values so they understand them and how they link to our core values.

Here are some examples of when British Values are shared:

Curriculum themes and topics

Our curriculum prepares children for life in British Society. Some of our curriculum topics include the context of the United Kingdom as well as national and international comparisons such as: World War II, The Tudors, Local Area studies, The Great Fire of London, Rainforests and Ancient Greece.

Daily acts of collective worship/ whole school assembly

We promote ASPIRE (Achieve, Succeed, Persevere, Inspire, Respect, Enjoy) through the sharing of stories, images, events and music. We also celebrate the successes and achievements of all members of the school community. The assemblies vary in length and can be conducted in phases or as a whole school; they are lead by senior members of staff, visitors and by the children themselves.

At Henry Green Primary School, collective worship takes the form of a ‘Reflective Time’, we recognise that our children have a wide range of faiths, or none. It is however, in line with regulation and is “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character”.


Mutual respect is one of our core values. It is also taught within formal PSHE lessons and on an informal nature throughout the school day. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety policy and PSHE work on keeping myself safe.

Religious Education

Henry Green Primary School follows Barking and Dagenham Syllabus and through its study gains a greater understanding of religious diversity and practices, which covers key religions represented in the locality and in the UK. This one of the key areas to promote the mutual understanding and tolerance of those of different faiths, beliefs (including non-beliefs) and backgrounds.

Physical Education

We promote the concept of ‘fair play’, following and developing rules, being inclusive, celebrating and rewarding success, coping with defeat and participation in activities that promote fitness, self-esteem and teamwork. We also promote physical fitness through extra-curricular clubs.

School Parliament

Democracy is modelled through the election of a new parliament at the start of the new academic year. The School Parliament gives our children an opportunity to be involved in school governance and decision making through a group of democratically elected pupils who represent the views of all pupils at Henry Green.

‘ Hi, my name is Maya Ahmed and I have attended Henry Green since Nursery. It’s an honor for me to lead the school parliament and I feel I can really make a difference. I want pupils at our school to have a voice and help the teachers make Henry Green a even better place for learning. I will make sure that every child has a say’.

A message from our Prime Minister Maya Ahmed (Y6 Pupil)

Promoting fundamental British values Henry Green Primary School – Whole school outline of explicit FBV lessons.