English as an Additional Language

A breakdown of the top 10 languages spoken at Henry Green.

Language / Student Count
English : 181

Bengali: 67

Urdu: 51

Albanian/Shqip: 33

Romanian: 30

Punjubi: 38

Italian: 7

Portugese: 7

Gujarati: 6



At Henry Green, the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children are valued. We encourage and support all our children to achieve the highest possible standards. We do this through taking account of each child’s life experiences and needs.

Children who are learning English as an additional language have skills and knowledge about language similar to monolingual English-speaking children. As a school, we are learning to recognise and understand the difference between communication skills and language proficiency for all children.

For example, a child’s ability to participate in the full curriculum may be in advance of their ability to communicate in English.

Curriculum Access

All children in our school follow the curricular requirements of the EYFS and the National Curriculum. Children with English as an additional language do not produce separate work. In EYFS we plan opportunities for children to develop their English, and we provide support to help them take part in activities as needed.

The EYFS stage helps children learning English as an additional language by:

  • Building on children’s experiences of language at home and in the wider community, so that their developing uses of English and of other languages support one another;
  • Providing a range of opportunities for children to engage in speaking and listening activities in English with peers and adults


On a termly basis, the children are assessed in reading, writing, speaking and listening using an A-E criteria levelled by the class teacher. Any children who require further intervention and support are identified and referred to the EAL team.

Children who are admitted mid phase do undertake an EAL assessment unless necessary, further support is identified and planned for by the EAL team.

EAL Assessment Framework (The Bell foundation)


Learning Village – The Learning Village is a resource for children who are learning English as a additional language. It provides an immersive learning experience through images and audio to support learners in learning new vocabulary, language structures and fill gaps in their English language.

Language of the month

At Henry Green Primary School, we have a number of children whose first language is not English. Each month we introduce a new language that is spoken by children in our school as we believe it will give children the opportunity to show respect for each other’s languages, cultures as well as provide an opportunity to broaden our skills!

The children have been having fun learning new key words and phrases in different languages from around the world.