SEND and Inclusion

At Henry Green Primary School, we believe that all children should be given equal opportunities to learn, develop and perform to the best of their ability.

To ensure that SEND needs are catered for, we personalise children’s learning, set individual targets which are reviewed termly and ensure that all staff are aware of diverse and individual needs.

At Henry Green Primary School we follow the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Guidelines for inclusive Support in line with the National Code of Practice for the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs.

The teaching style of the school is one of striving to ensure that individual children have their educational needs met.

Pupils who are identified as having Special Educational Needs may be supported on an individual basis, in small groups or within the class through the differentiation of the curriculum.

Inclusion and SEND team

Ms H Daley – Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion Lead

Ms L Long – Assistant Head, Behaviour Lead

Ms H Westmore – SENDco

Ms N Galbraith – Senior Learning Mentor


Tel: 0208270 4466


Sensory Room

Henry Green’s Sensory Room is a calm space devoted to relaxing and developing the senses.

Soft Play

Soft play encourages large motor development. Children can work on stepping, climbing, crawling, jumping and rolling.

Soft play can often create a stress-free way for children with SEN to remain stimulated and to communicate and engage with their peers and the people around them.


Quality Mark – Centre of Excellence Status

We are delighted to have retained the Inclusion Quality Mark – Centre of Excellence Status, which recognises all the opportunities that we provide at Henry Green Primary School for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Henry Green Primary School is featured on the Inclusion Quality Mark website.



Useful links and information

SEND Local Offer (Barking and Dagenham)
Barking and Dagenham Information Service


Health Profesionals

We work with an NHS registered School Nurse who provides services in the form of training and advice for parents and staff. Training provided consists of awareness in Epilepsy, Epipen, Sickle Cell, among other medical conditions.

They also assist us in writing Health Care Plans for children with allergies and other medical needs.

If you have any medical concerns and would like to discuss these concerns please contact Henry Green’s School Office.


Children and Young People Disability Hub (The Heathway Centre)

The Children & Young People Disability Hub also known as (CYPDH) is based at Becontree Community Hub, Stevens Road, Dagenham RM8 2QR

The Children & Young People Disability Hub provides services for families with children and young people aged 0 to 17 years (up to their 18th birthday) with a disability or additional needs.

We provide information and advice on a wide range of issues affecting families through delivery of both our universal and targeted early help offer. For more information on our early help offer, please refer to the links below. They also support families to access specialist training aimed at increasing confidence and awareness in caring for a child with an additional need.

They are based in a children centre building which is currently undergoing some building adaptations to make the centre more inclusive. This will include a wet room and multi-sensory room.

We have access to a secure outside play area with a range of adapted outdoor play facilities including mobility adapted bikes and scooters.

They can signpost and refer you to specialist local organisations including:

  • Carers of Barking and Dagenham
  • Sycamore Trust
  • Portage Team
  • Disability Service
  • Ab Phab
  • Butterflies project

Short Breaks 4 me grant

Short Breaks 4 Me is aimed at families that are residents of The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, with children aged 1-17 years that have a disability or severe healthcare and cannot access leisure activities in the community without additional help or support. For example, they need constant supervision, 1:1 help or have a difficulty communicating.

This may include some children who are eligible for Portage, Early Help or those with an Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan or a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN).

For further information and to apply for the Short Breaks 4 me grant please visit their website.

Carer’s card

A carers’ card is aimed at helping parents/carers get recognition for caring for a child with a disability or additional needs, this is valid until their 25th birthday.

The card is transferable so can be used by any person caring for the child or young person to show that they are the Carer. The card can be used as evidence when accessing some Leisure Activities, many Local and National attractions do offer discounts for a Carer.


If you feel your child has a diagnosed disability and needs to attend a provision to support their development and also need a break from your caring responsibilities, you can apply for a short break, often referred to as respite.

Respite can be offered through a request being made for your child to attend a provision of your choice or a request for a carer to provide care for your child whilst you attend to day to day activities which you are unable to complete because of your caring responsibilities.

If you have an allocated social worker, early intervention worker, portage worker or any other professionals, you will need to complete an assessment to determine the impact this will have on your child and your family. They must ensure that their contact details is clearly stated on the form

If you don’t have an allocated worker please complete the short breaks self-referral form. when completing your self-referral and send to You will be contacted within two weeks of your application being received.